Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rattle Snake

Tonight when I got home I went from Joey truck to my Durango and stepped on something squishy. Well, it was a rattlesnake. Luckily God was watching out for me and I stepped on the head which is why I did not get bit. When I stepped on it and looked down all I saw was the part past my shoe not the head. I did not totally freak out I just yelled for Joey. Apparently one of our dogs Chica was by Joey at the front door and started going crazy as I approached the Durango to warn me it was there. I did not hear anything unusual, I thought she was playing with Joey. Any who, I am fine. No bite marks, nothing wrong at all. A little scared since Joey is leaving May 10th for 3 weeks, but I can kill snakes with a shovel. I have done it before.


  1. We always knew those big feet would have a reason someday. Just did not know it would be to protect you from snake bites!!

  2. Oh my goodness, Jenny!!! I would have definitely "freaked out". You are a much braver woman!! I am so glad you are safe - and we will pray for no snakes while Joey is gone :)

  3. This gives me an idea for Christmas....snake leggings!!!!

    Aunt Pam
